10 Critical Reasons Teams May Be The Real Secret to #EmployeeEngagement in 2015! [#Infographic]

                                                                                               [No it's not Disney Land for Adults it's Google's Zurich Office!]

No question! Active employee engagement is literally a business gold mine!  

 And it turns out that team-targeted interventions may represent a unique competitive advantage for leveraging higher levels of employee engagement and discretionary effort! 

 But first: Let's look at why you need to adopt deep engagement best practices into your organizational culture and design in the first place!

 I love how Bloomberg recently isolated and graphically summarized the pure ROI of employee engagement from the Gallup data. Take a look:

The critical leadership message? Building a deep engagement culture results in a: 

  •      22% increase in profitability,
  •     A 21% boost in productivity,
  •     A 41% reduction in product defect rates,
  •    A Whopping 147% jump in earnings per share! 
The critical message for Human Resources professionals? An deeply engaged workforce results in a:

  • 65% reduction  in employee turnover 
  • 37% decrease in absentee levels; and a
  • 50% decrease in workplace accidents:
Take a look at this powerful graphic from Bloomberg and then lets take a fast look at how leveraging your team effectiveness and basic organizational design may be powerful tools to help you build a deep engagement culture:


Here's a wonderful infographic from WeekDone.com that looks at employee disengagement form the perspective of some major and in some cases deeply surprising sources of team under-performance

I find #1 a bit shocking. And the research sources for this stat are pretty strong too:

That 26% of "engaged employees would leave their current roles for a mere 5% increase in pay. 

What I like about this insight is that it is a mere 5% in increase. This speaks to the powerful way employee engagement moderates the employee compensation motive. 

It it's still there when your employees are engaged, but only not as strong as in disengaged and actively disengaged employees.

The message for Business and HR Leaders?:

That building a small but clear pay increase potential into your  behavior based performance management system or gamification initiative may represent a substantial reservoir of untapped employee motivation. This may be a key untapped lever for moving your team's engagement level from disengaged to actively engaged more quickly and efficiently. 

Key here as with all incentives is that access to the extra 5% is linked to clearly defined individual and team based performance goals.

I was more surprised by #2. In fact I disagree. It seems to fly in the face of the state of the art in physical organizational design:

That employees in open office set ups experience 62% more sic days.  

I wonder what the organizations surveyed in these organizations meant by open work spaces? 

I mean just look at the revolutionary open workspace design phenomenon known as workplace humanization taking place at top employer Google!  

#3 Brings us back to Google and for very good reason. It's true that teams under-perform sometimes to the point outright team dysfunction for lack of personal and professional development.  

 Google formally designs work roles so that 20% of work time is strategically allotted to "personal projects."

Can you imagine having one full work day per week to peruse the professional and personal development goals that you know are essential to your success as an employee? Can you imagine the teaming and leadership skills that might result? 

#4 through #10 address the meat and potatoes of team effectiveness vs dysfunction. 

The bottom line? Teaming is a teachable set of skills. In fact, there are a hand full of well tested and clearly defined team learning, communication and collaborative problem solving process, that just about any group of employees can learn. 

Essential teaming skills include:

  •  How to run a highly effective and productive team meeting
  •  Pre-emptive conflict management,
  • Iterative, action-based team leaning,
  • Leadership Sharing.

What's critical here is that the team skills are properly trained, practiced and built directly into the formal work role. 

Once team members learn and master those skills, team leaders, managers and the senior leadership team need to create cultures that support and nurture those skills. 

In my experience, the vast majority of disengaged employees are highly responsive to team-based interventions. 

#7 May be the most important team insight:  

In my view, the second biggest sources of team under-performance and team dysfunction is a lack of clearly defined performance goals. #1 is a lack of the oh so important trust factor that needs to exist between team members and team leaders. 

Check out: The number one reason organizations are hemorrhaging top talent

Finally #10 is huge. Time wasters like email overload and social media distraction need to be addressed and proactively managed so teams and individual employees can do their jobs.

Most managers and team leaders don't full get how important this goal is.

For example:

Did you know that employees at several top companies are reporting that 57% of work interruptions come from social media tools and switching between applications!  

Anyway, take a look at this great infographic from WeekDone.com   I found it thanks to the content marketing masters @ UndercoverRecruiter.com   


top image from: Business Insider: Google Post

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